Partner Organizations

Development Partners

Strengthened revenue administration management and governance arrangements (SDG 17.1) - RAM
Improved tax and non-tax revenue policy (SDG 17.1) - TXP
Assist in delivering reform of VAT on e-Commerce, to secure the effective collection of these taxes on cross-boder e-commerce sales of digital products, services and goods in particular. Currently focusing on onlide sales of low-value imported goods.
Providing support to developing countries on P2 implementation, tax incentive policies and remaining BEPS actions
Providing support to developing countries in BEPS implementation.
The induction phase has been completed, however assistance continues to be made available for any ongoing or pressing issues, e.g. the implementation of the two-pillar solution and any remaining BEPS issues.
Assistance on implementing automatic exchange of financial account information (the AEOI Standard).
Assist in delivering the reform of VAT on e-Commerce, to secure crucial government revenues from the effective collection of these taxes on e-commerce sales of low-value imported goods.
The project development objective is to strengthen fiscal governance framework and independence and capacity of external audit.
Capacity building audit assistance in international tax issues. Focuses on negotiating Advanced Pricing Agreements (APAs).
Capacity building audit assistance in international tax issues for various sectors.
Strengthened revenue administration management and governance arrangements (SDG 17.1) - RAM
Improved tax and non-tax revenue policy (SDG 17.1) - TXP
Assist in delivering reform of VAT on e-Commerce, to secure the effective collection of these taxes on cross-boder e-commerce sales of digital products, services and goods in particular. Currently focusing on onlide sales of low-value imported goods.
Providing support to developing countries on P2 implementation, tax incentive policies and remaining BEPS actions
Providing support to developing countries in BEPS implementation.
The induction phase has been completed, however assistance continues to be made available for any ongoing or pressing issues, e.g. the implementation of the two-pillar solution and any remaining BEPS issues.
Assistance on implementing automatic exchange of financial account information (the AEOI Standard).
Assist in delivering the reform of VAT on e-Commerce, to secure crucial government revenues from the effective collection of these taxes on e-commerce sales of low-value imported goods.
Capacity building audit assistance in international tax issues. Focuses on negotiating Advanced Pricing Agreements (APAs).
Capacity building audit assistance in international tax issues for various sectors.
The project development objective is to strengthen fiscal governance framework and independence and capacity of external audit.