The PCT workstream on tax incentives is currently focusing on the review of tax incentives policies for investment in light of recent international tax developments, including the introduction of global minimum tax under the Global Anti-Base Erosion Rules (GloBE). It is also exploring the potential role of tax incentives in addressing climate targets and green transition with a particular emphasis on the needs of developing countries.
This page showcases curated knowledge resources relevant to tax incentives. It includes policy reports, technical assistance notes, guidelines, academic papers, and statistics from PCT Partners and external sources. The list is updated regularly.
The PCT has published a Draft version of the Tax Incentives Principles to seek feedback on its contents from tax policymakers, practitioners and experts. The public consultation will remain open until the February 10, 2025.
- Hebous, S., C. Hillier and A. Mengistu (2024), “Deciphering the GloBE in a Low-Tax Jurisdiction”, IMF Working Papers, No. 2024/064, IMF, Washington DC
- Hebous S. and M. Andualem (2024), “Efficient Economic Rent Taxation under a Global Minimum Corporate Tax”, IMF Working Papers, No. 2024/057, IMF, Washington DC
- IMF (2023), “International Corporate Tax Reform”, IMF Policy Papers, No. 2023/001, IMF, Washington DC
- Wen J. (2020), “Temporary Investment Incentives”, IMF Covid 19 Special Series, IMF, Washington DC
- Hugger, F., et al. (2024), "The Global Minimum Tax and the taxation of MNE profit", OECD Taxation Working Papers, No. 68, OECD Publishing, Paris
- Hugger, F., A. González Cabral and P. O’Reilly (2023), "Effective tax rates of MNEs: New evidence on global low-taxed profit", OECD Taxation Working Papers, No. 67, OECD Publishing, Paris
- OECD (2023), "Improving transparency of incentives for investment facilitation", OECD Business and Finance Policy Papers, No. 35, OECD Publishing, Paris
- González Cabral, A., et al. (2023), "Effective tax rates for R&D intangibles", OECD Taxation Working Papers, No. 63, OECD Publishing, Paris
- González Cabral, A., et al. (2023), "A time series perspective on income-based tax support for R&D and innovation", OECD Taxation Working Papers, No. 62, OECD Publishing, Paris
- OECD (2023), "Income-based tax relief for R&D and innovation: An integrated view", OECD Science, Technology and Industry Policy Papers, No. 161, OECD Publishing, Paris
- Celani, A., L. Dressler and T. Hanappi (2022), "Assessing tax relief from targeted investment tax incentives through corporate effective tax rates: Methodology and initial findings for seven Sub-Saharan African countries", OECD Taxation Working Papers, No. 58, OECD Publishing, Paris
- Celani, A., L. Dressler and M. Wermelinger (2022), "Building an Investment Tax Incentives database: Methodology and initial findings for 36 developing countries", OECD Working Papers on International Investment, No. 2022/01, OECD Publishing, Paris
- OECD (2022), OECD Tax Policy Reviews: Colombia 2022, OECD Tax Policy Reviews, OECD Publishing, Paris
- OECD (2022), Tax Incentives and the Global Minimum Corporate Tax: Reconsidering Tax Incentives after the GloBE Rules, OECD Publishing, Paris
- González Cabral, A., S. Appelt and T. Hanappi (2021), "Corporate effective tax rates for R&D: The case of expenditure-based R&D tax incentives", OECD Taxation Working Papers, No. 54, OECD Publishing, Paris
- Appelt, S., F. Galindo-Rueda and A. González Cabral (2019), "Measuring R&D tax support: Findings from the new OECD R&D Tax Incentives Database", OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Papers, No. 2019/06, OECD Publishing, Paris
- UNCTAD (2022), “Corporate Income Taxes and Investment Incentives. A Global Review”, Investment Policy Monitor, No. 8, UNCTAD, New York
- UN (2021), “Selected Issues for Taxation of the Extractives Industries by Developing Countries”, United Nations Handbook, UN, New York
- UN and CIAT (2018), Design and Assessment of Tax Incentives in Developing Countries. Selected Issues and a Country Experience, UN, New York
- O’Sullivan D. and A. Cebreiro-Gomez (2022), “Global Minimum Tax: From Agreement to Implementation. Policy Considerations, Implementation Options, and Next Steps”, Equitable Growth, Finance and Institutions Insight, World Bank, Washington, DC
- Sabha Y., Y. Liu and W. Douw (2020), “Investment Linkages and Incentives: Promoting Technology Transfer and Productivity Spillovers from Foreign Direct Investment”, Finance, Competitiveness and Innovation in Focus, World Bank, Washington, DC
- Kronfol H. and V. Steenbergen (2020), “Evaluating the Costs and Benefits of Corporate Tax Incentives: Methodological Approaches and Policy Considerations”, Finance, Competitiveness and Innovation in Focus, World Bank, Washington, DC
- Kronfol H., A. Nichols and T. Tran (2019), “Women at Work: How Can Investment Incentives Be Used to Enhance Economic Opportunities for Women?” Policy Research Working Paper, No. 8935, World Bank, Washington, DC
- Andersen M., B. Kett and E. Von Uexkull (2017), “Corporate Tax Incentives and FDI in Developing Countries”, Global Investment Competitiveness Report 2017/2018: Foreign Investor Perspectives and Policy Implications, World Bank, Washington, DC
- CIAT (2023), Tax Expenditure Database of Latin America and the Caribbean (TEDLAC)
- OECD (2023), Corporate Tax Statistics 2023, OECD Publishing, Paris
- OECD (2022), “OECD Investment Tax Incentives Database – 2022 Update: Tax incentives for sustainable development” (brochure), OECD, Paris
- Chand V. and K. Romanovska (2024), “The Impact of Pillar Two on Corporate Tax Incentives and Incentives Post Pillar Two: The Potential Rise of Tax Credits and Subsidies”, International Tax Studies (ITAXS), Vol.5, No.9, Amsterdam
- Parada L. (2024), “Global Minimum Taxation: A Strategic Approach for Developing Countries”, Columbia Journal of Tax Law, Vol. 15, No. 2, New York
- ATAF (2023), ATAF Suggested Approach to Drafting Domestic Minimum Top-Up Tax Legislation, African Tax Administration Forum Publishing, Pretoria
- Bammens N. and D. Bettens (2023), “The Potential Impact of Pillar Two on Tax Incentives”, Intertax, Vol.51, Kluwer Law Online
- Christians A., et al. (2023), A Guide for Developing Countries on How to Understand and Adapt to the Global Minimum Tax, IISD, Winnipeg
- Mataba K., et al. (2023), Revisiting Tax Incentives as an Investment Promotion Tool: Q&A for Investment Policy-makers, IISD, Winnipeg