Partner Organizations

Development Partners

Targeted support aiming at implementing the exchange of information standards
The proposed PDO of the Project is to improve policy and capacity of the Recipient in revenue and expenditure, at the central and su b-national levels, including through adoption of digital technology in a gender responsive manner.
Strengthen the intergovernmental fiscal system, subnational finance and revenue collection for better service delivery.
Support the government in improving the quality of revenue and expenditure policy and management at central level by enhancing their performance orientation including through digital technology
The development objective of the activity is to inform economic and social policies for higher productivity and improved standards of living in Indonesia by improving the understanding of the causes and implications of informality.
The objective of the Project is to support the Government of Indonesia to transition towards an effective and sustainable extractive industries transparency mechanism, and improve availability and utilization of extractive sector information to promote inclusive policy dialogue.
The development objective of this 2-year program is to support the authorities in responding to near-term fiscal challenges and support long-term growth through a strengthened fiscal policy framework. The focus will center around two pillars: (i) raise business taxes revenue (CIT and VAT) and (ii) inform green fiscal policy.
Targeted support aiming at implementing the exchange of information standards
The proposed PDO of the Project is to improve policy and capacity of the Recipient in revenue and expenditure, at the central and su b-national levels, including through adoption of digital technology in a gender responsive manner.
Strengthen the intergovernmental fiscal system, subnational finance and revenue collection for better service delivery.
Support the government in improving the quality of revenue and expenditure policy and management at central level by enhancing their performance orientation including through digital technology
The development objective of the activity is to inform economic and social policies for higher productivity and improved standards of living in Indonesia by improving the understanding of the causes and implications of informality.
The objective of the Project is to support the Government of Indonesia to transition towards an effective and sustainable extractive industries transparency mechanism, and improve availability and utilization of extractive sector information to promote inclusive policy dialogue.
The development objective of this 2-year program is to support the authorities in responding to near-term fiscal challenges and support long-term growth through a strengthened fiscal policy framework. The focus will center around two pillars: (i) raise business taxes revenue (CIT and VAT) and (ii) inform green fiscal policy.