Partner Organizations

Development Partners

Strengthened core tax administration functions (SDG 17.1) - TAD
Strengthened core tax administration functions
Improved customs administration core functions
Strengthened revenue administration management and governance arrangements
Strengthened revenue administration management and governance arrangements
Support on transfer pricing and interest deductibility in partnership with the WBG, the EU and ATAF, since 2016.
Providing support to developing countries on P2 implementation, tax incentive policies and remaining BEPS actions
Targeted support aiming at implementing the exchange of information standards
Strengthen the fiscal transparency, accountability and sustainability in the participating states, including in the context of the COVID-19 response.
The Program Development Objective (PDO) is to improve (1) the efficiency of land administration, (2) the regulatory framework for private investment in fiber optic infrastructure, (3) services provided by investment promotion agencies and public-private partnership units, and (4) the efficiency and transparency of government-to-business services in participating states.
Strengthen the fiscal transparency, accountability and sustainability in the participating states, including in the context of the COVID-19 response.
Building on FRED 1.0, the objective of FRED 2.0 is to provide analytical and advisory support to the Nigerian Government (all tiers of government) to improve the quality of fiscal policy in Nigeria by boosting revenues and reducing spending inefficiencies, and to strengthen debt management and increase debt transparency.
To improve the credibility of public finance and national statistics.
Capacity building audit assistance in international tax issues focused on Mutual Agreement Procedures (MAP).
Capacity building audit assistance in international tax issues focusing on the oil and gas sectors.
Strengthened core tax administration functions (SDG 17.1) - TAD
Strengthened core tax administration functions
Improved customs administration core functions
Strengthened revenue administration management and governance arrangements
Strengthened revenue administration management and governance arrangements
Support on transfer pricing and interest deductibility in partnership with the WBG, the EU and ATAF, since 2016.
Providing support to developing countries on P2 implementation, tax incentive policies and remaining BEPS actions
Targeted support aiming at implementing the exchange of information standards
Capacity building audit assistance in international tax issues focused on Mutual Agreement Procedures (MAP).
Capacity building audit assistance in international tax issues focusing on the oil and gas sectors.
Strengthen the fiscal transparency, accountability and sustainability in the participating states, including in the context of the COVID-19 response.
The Program Development Objective (PDO) is to improve (1) the efficiency of land administration, (2) the regulatory framework for private investment in fiber optic infrastructure, (3) services provided by investment promotion agencies and public-private partnership units, and (4) the efficiency and transparency of government-to-business services in participating states.
Strengthen the fiscal transparency, accountability and sustainability in the participating states, including in the context of the COVID-19 response.
Building on FRED 1.0, the objective of FRED 2.0 is to provide analytical and advisory support to the Nigerian Government (all tiers of government) to improve the quality of fiscal policy in Nigeria by boosting revenues and reducing spending inefficiencies, and to strengthen debt management and increase debt transparency.
To improve the credibility of public finance and national statistics.