

Please join us for the Platform for Collaboration on Tax (PCT) Ask-an-Expert Webinar on Carbon Pricing to be held over Zoom on Wednesday, September 27th, 9:00 to 11:00 am (EDT). 

Experts from PCT Partners (IMF, OECD, UN and the World Bank), governments, think tanks, academia, and civil society will discuss the findings from the recently launched PCT report, “Carbon Pricing Metrics: Analyzing Existing Tools and Databases of Platform for Collaboration on Tax (PCT) Partners

The report showcases the variety of carbon pricing metrics developed across PCT partner institutions and provides a detailed comparison of these metrics. This third webinar in the Ask-An-Expert Series will share the report’s central findings with key stakeholders, highlight experiences with carbon pricing in several case study countries, and close the session with an expert panel discussion, inviting questions from the online audience. Simultaneous interpretation in English, French and Spanish will be available during the webinar.


The number of carbon pricing instruments has increased steadily over the last three decades. As of 2022, 68 carbon pricing instruments are in operation (World Bank, 2022). This increase in the use of carbon pricing instruments coincides with the development of a wide range of carbon pricing metrics. Over the last decade, international organizations have played a leading role in developing metrics to better understand carbon pricing’s current state, trends, and progress against benchmarks. These widely used metrics help policymakers, businesses, and other stakeholders to make informed decisions on carbon pricing.

This diversity of approaches provides a rich perspective on the different forms of carbon pricing: direct, indirect, positive, and negative. However, it also risks confusing policymakers and other stakeholders. Numerous widely used metrics differ in their coverage of fiscal policy instruments. Carbon pricing metrics may also differ in their sectoral, geographical, and temporal scope.