Partner Organizations

Development Partners

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7:00-7:15 a.m. ET |
Welcoming Remarks by the Moderator Ms. Grace Perez Navarro, Deputy Director, Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, OECD Keynote Address H.E. Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Minister of Finance, Indonesia |
7:15-7:40 a.m. ET |
Session 1: Setting the Stage: A Discussion of Key Issues
This presentation will focus on the fiscal problems related to COVID-19 and how strengthening and improving the structure and administration of revenues are now critical elements of recovery with an emphasis on poverty reduction and interaction of tax policies with other fiscal policies
This presentation will lay out the key ideas for the workshop program: explicit versus implicit bias, different policy issues involved with income or individualized taxes and non-individualized (e.g., income versus value-added tax), and tax and customs administration issues plus specific problems of the informal sector |
7:40-8:30 a.m. ET |
Session 2: The Work of PCT Partners on Gender Equality and Taxation Moderator: Ms. Grace Perez Navarro, Deputy Director, Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, OECD Panel Discussion This session will be conducted in an interview style with experts from PCT Partners. Panelists will talk about their organization’s work on gender equality in tax, the impact of COVID-19, and the scope for collaboration and emphasis.
Brief public Q&A |
8:30-8:40 a.m. ET |
BREAK (10 min) |
8:40-9:40 a.m. ET |
Session 3: Panel discussions with country representatives and CSOs Moderator: Ms. Margaret Cotton, Deputy Division Chief, Revenue Administration 1, FAD, IMF Panel discussion on tax and customs administration (30 min)
Panel discussion on methodological advances needed and data (30 min)
9:40-9:55 a.m. ET |
Public Q&A discussion |
9:55-10:00 a.m. ET |
Concluding remarks and next steps Dr. Marcello Estevão, Global Director, Macroeconomics, Trade & Investment, World Bank Dr. Caren Grown, Global Director, Gender Group, World Bank |