
The high-level conference on "Medium-Term Revenue Strategy (MTRS)—Building More Effective Tax Systems”, jointly organised by the IMF, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance, and the World Bank were held on 29-30 October 2019 at the Federal Academy of Finance in Vienna, Austria.

The Agenda for the two-day event featured Keynote presentations on:

  • An Approach to Effective Tax System Reform;
  • Building an Effective Tax System - A Prerequisite for Effective and Sustained Revenue Mobilization and Social and Economic Development. 

The conference also included several Panel discussions addressing:

  • Transition Ongoing Tax System Reform into an MTRS—The Need for a Well-Articulated MTRS Formulation; and Subsequent Implementation;
  • Setting Revenue and Efficiency Goals to meet Expenditure Needs and Social and Economic Development—Building Country Ownership;
  • Achieving an Effective Tax System through a Comprehensive Reform Plan - Policy, Administration and Tax Legal Framework;
  • Developing Government-led effort to Tax System Reform through Sustained Political Commitment and Whole-of-Government Support and
  • Securing and Aligning External Support to Government-led Tax System Reform.