Partner Organizations
![International Monetary Found](/sites/pct/files/2019-06/imf_0.png)
![Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development](/sites/pct/files/2020-01/oecd-grayscale.png)
![United Nations](/sites/pct/files/2019-06/un_0.png)
![World Bank Group](/sites/pct/files/2019-06/wbg.png)
Development Partners
![Japan Ministry of Finance](/sites/pct/files/2019-12/japan.png)
![Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands](/sites/pct/files/2020-01/RO_BZ_Logo_2_RGB_pos%20op%20wit_x_en.png)
![Norway Ministry of Development](/sites/pct/files/2019-12/norad.png)
![United Kingdom](/sites/pct/files/2020-03/ukaid-logo.png)
PCT partners focus their work program on five key areas, including:
Medium Term Revenue Strategies (MTRS) is a comprehensive tax system reform strategy for the medium term through a country-led and whole-of-government approach. The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the need for more efficient and equitable tax systems that are aligned with the countries’ development goals. Under this workstream, the PCT aims to facilitate better exchange of information on the MTRS and how it can be useful for countries’ tax system reform priorities including through workshops, country deep dives and updates on country engagement.
Under this workstream, the PCT aims to share cutting edge knowledge resources, blogs and policy papers on tax policy and tax administration to assist countries, particularly developing countries in dealing with the crisis. Many of the resources deal with revenue mobilization/ tax policy and administration responses, but also cover other issues such as greening the economy, gender and broader macro-fiscal development as well as social and economic consequences of crises.
Taxation has a significant role to play in meeting the SDG targets, on the one hand, through generation of revenues to fulfill the spending needs of Governments to meet SDGs and, on the other hand, through tax policy interventions that can be targeted to promote equity, poverty alleviation, gender equity, health, environment and other SDGs. This workstream focuses on the interlinkages between taxation and the SDG and other development goals of countries.
Under this workstream, the PCT aims to provide guidance to developing countries on key areas of taxation of significance to them through jointly developed technical toolkits. It also aims to facilitate informed participation of developing countries in the international tax debates as well as provide support in implementation of agreed outcomes.
This workstream aims to further strengthen the coordination among PCT Partners including through the PCT Secretariat and also focuses on coordinated workplan management.
The PCT also aims to help developing countries access knowledge, experience, and best practices in tax policy and administration (including legal aspects). In this context, our outreach and engagement activities may include:
Seeking inputs from developing countries and relevant stakeholders in the development of toolkits through targeted events and dialogue as well as broad-based online consultations.
Organizing targeted workshops for developing countries at the regional level which include toolkit development, sharing experiences with MTRSs, and disseminating finalized toolkits and other PCT products along with training and knowledge-sharing to ensure effective implementation. In addition, other development partners will be encouraged and supported in making full use of toolkits in their CD activities.
Holding side sessions at official events to consult with stakeholders in individuals and groups.
Transmitting lessons from technical assistance missions, including the implementation of country-led MTRSs, thereby supplementing the efforts of PCT Partner themselves.